
A guide to more specific querying on GET /users or GET /users/:id endpoints

Querying by External Properties

If you provide external properties field, you can store any JSON structure for a user, but in order to query the contents, you should adhere to a certain convention. There are 3 suggested types which work best for querying.

External Properties ValueQueries
{ "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 }GET /users?external_properties={"b":2}

GET /users/{"b":2}?by_external_properties=true
[ { "a": 1 }, { "b": 2 }, { "c": 3 } ]GET /users?external_properties=[{"b":2}]

GET /users/[{"b":2}]?by_external_properties=true
[ "A", "B", "C" ]GET /users?external_properties="A"

GET /users/"A"?by_external_properties=true

NOTE: Always make sure to include quotes " " for string only values as the value is treated and parsed as valid JSON, therefore 1 will be considered as number, not as a string. If you want it to be considered as string, always enclose it with quotes as "1".

NOTE: You might also want to consider escaping your URL, e.g. for GET /users?external_properties={"b":2} and escape it as GET /users?external_properties=%7B%22b%22%3A2%7D